How to remove Dharma Ransomware and decrypt .dharma and .wallet files

Dharma is a new version of CrySiS ransomware. After infiltration, virus doesn’t waste its time and starts encrypting your personal data immediately. The method of encryption draws on using asymmetric cryptography making file decryption impossible without special key. Notice that key is unique since it is generated within encryption process. Affected files thus become useless because you can’t open or edit them.

How to remove Cryptolocker ransomware and decrypt .enc files

Cryptolocker is initial version of ransomware-type virus. Although, this malware is no longer active, there are bunch of viruses based on it. And it’s no wonder why it motivated criminals to create similar projects. According to developers, their product got more than three million dollars from users who paid ransom. Today, we’ll consider one copycat form of it- Crypt0L0cker (TorrentLocker). Some newer variants even use initial name pretending to be original Cryptolocker ransomware. Following infiltration, it prevents access to your data using RSA-2048 encryption algorithm. All encrypted files are appended with .encrypted or .enc extensions.

How to remove Satan Ransomware and decrypt .stn files

Satan is a ransomware virus, having its own web service (Raas). Once infiltrated, it denies access to files using RSA-2048 and AES-256 encryption protocol. Each encrypted file is appended with .stn extension. Satan ransomware further places HELP_DECRYPT_FILES.html file on the desktop. The message reads, that victims must pay the ransom to decrypt data, otherwise they will be unavailable forever. At present, there is no tool capable of decrypting files affected with using RSA-2048.

How to remove CTB-locker and decrypt .ctb and .ctb2 files

If you’re seeing the original extension of your files was changed to .ctb and .ctb2, that means the system is being infected with CTB-locker. CTB-locker is a ransomware which decrypts data on the victim’s computer. It uses RSA-2048 encryption, making it virtually impossible to restore files without special key. It is mentioned in note contained in three files: AllFilesAreLocked.bmp, DecryptAllFiles.txt and randomly named HTML file.

How to remove LambdaLocker Ransomware and decrypt .lambda_l0cked files

LambdaLocker is a new ransomware virus that encrypts files using AES-256 and SHA-256 algorithm. This ransomware is hardly any different from other similar malware and uses same scheme. After penetration, the Labdablocker adds the name of each encrypted file with .lambda_l0cked extension. Next, cybercriminals alert victims via ransom note which is set as desktop wallpaper.