Open Freely é um gerenciador de arquivos comum que pode ser instalado no PC com a ajuda de todo tipo de freeware. É claro que o explorador deste software pode ser instalado a partir de diferentes sites maliciosos ou do site oficial do Open Freely., mas a última variante não tinha sido frequentes. The unwanted program will add its files and folders in the system. Open Freely is famous as a computer threat, mas se pensarmos racionalmente, then will find out that viral nature is only in its advertisements and in the programs that are bundled with it. The software that show pop-ups windows are considered to be adware. Adware are the undesired add-on in the system, por isso, se você sonha remove Open Freely, so you can choose the manual instructions from this article or the special Open Freely removal program.
solução automática Fácil:
Sendo instalado em seu computador, this software will display you a great deal of pop-ups and be the reason of slow running computer. Em aplicativos legítimos, the advertising function is an addition to the program so as to let users to make use of the application without payment. The developers thinks that Open Freely is a good approach to get back the money spend on the program, e em alguns casos, it may allow the browser add-on the user will get free of charge or he will get the discount. The income derived showing popping-up windows to the users may allow or give reasons to the vendor to keep on to develop, manter e atualizar o aplicativo. The demonstration of advertising in software business is becoming more and more in great request.
Open Freely like different kind of adware can be a bundle of shareware that every user may download at no charge. Depois disso, uma vez instalado, o usuário pode optar por continuar usando a extensão do navegador como está, vendo pop-ups, ou eles podem comprar uma versão sem anúncios. Open Freely has been criticized for it usually contains code that tracks a user’s personally identifiable information and sends it to interested people, permitindo que o usuário não sabe nada sobre ele. If you are unaware why Open Freely exists on your computer, então você deve tentar lembrar qual software você baixou recentemente.
If you downloaded some free application from unofficial developers, so Open Freely appeared with this program. You just did not uncheck the tick that is charged with Open Freely installation. You should have removed it within Open Freely installation. But if you did not notice it and do not want to use this browser add-on over its obtrusiveness, so you are welcome to read the post completely in order to learn more about the possible instructions. There are some cases when a user gets Open Freely downloading any sharing files or visiting some viral sites. If you like to delete Open Freely, then you can install the automatic ways enumerated below.
Delete Open Freely from your computer
Se você não sabe qual método de remoção descrito abaixo usar, então você deve pesar. Se você tem experiência de reparo do computador, then it is better to use the manual method, que você pode encontrar abaixo. You should know that any manual method is dangerous and should be executed completely correct not to harm your computer. Se você está ciente do perigo, mas você está confiante de que é capaz de fazer tudo corretamente, você deve eliminar todas as pastas e chaves do Registro do complemento indesejado. Se você não conseguir ver a diferença entre as chaves do registro e os arquivos do programa, then it is better to use any of the automatic ways of removal from this post.
soluções automáticas:
The removal programs, Descrito abaixo, are well-tried and you can be confident that they are also the most effective and secure methods to remove the adware that your computer is infected with. To use programs is the easiest way for user that have no experience in computer computer maintenance and are afraid to execute some manual removal methods. Open Freely Removal Tool e SpyHunter são capazes de fazer tudo por você, assim apenas digitalizar sua tomada de computador uso de qualquer uma dessas ferramentas.
Open Freely Removal Tool:
Open Freely Removal Tool by Security Stronghold is a special program that will perform all removal actions for you. This program was designed especially to get rid of Open Freely from your computer together with virus writers that it installed. If you want to clean your browser from all malicious browser add-ons and set any browser setting that you like or remove just one adware, então você está convidado a instalar Open Freely Removal Tool deste artigo. O programa é fácil de usar, e é fornecido com suporte online gratuito que o ajudará em alguns casos difíceis. The software is not expensive, mas você ficará surpreso com seu poder.
Remove Open Freely with SpyHunter
If you want to use any universal antivirus program that will delete all the threats from your computer, então é melhor usar o SpyHunter, fazendo o download deste artigo. SpyHunter vai uninstall Open Freely, seu provedor de pesquisa, advertisements and other component parts of it and also will scan your system for other viral programs. Também SpyHunter tem várias ferramentas úteis que serão úteis para otimizar o seu computador. SpyHunter fornece uma proteção em tempo real (that means it removes the computer threats when they are just trying to penetrate into your PC) as well as it can eliminate the hidden computer infections. The program is a bit more expensive than Open Freely Removal Tool, mas você pode perceber a funcionalidade do SpyHunter na figura abaixo.
Manual solution from Open Freely:
You should know that manual instructions is a very hard to perform and dangerous operation that should be performed by experienced users only.
- Exclua as seguintes pastas:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\Open Freely\
- %PROGRAMS%\Open Freely\
- Exclua os seguintes arquivos:
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Archive\7z.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Aspose.Slides.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\AxInterop.ShockwaveFlashObjects.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\AxInterop.WMPLib.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.Data.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.OfficeSkins.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.Printing.v11.1.Core.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.RichEdit.v11.1.Core.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.SpellChecker.v11.1.Core.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.Utils.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraBars.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraEditors.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraGrid.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v11.1.Extensions.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v11.1.Printing.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v11.1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Dictionaries\en_US.aff
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Dictionaries\en_US.dic
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\EZFreeware.Views.Pages.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\File_Info.txt
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\FlexCel.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\FlexCelWinforms.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\FreeOpener.resources
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\HexEditor\frhed.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\HexEditor\heksedit.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\HexEditor\RAWIO32.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Interop.ShockwaveFlashObjects.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Interop.WIA.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Interop.WMPLib.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\LumiSoft.Net.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Microsoft.Ink.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\NGEN\x64\ngen.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\NGEN\x86\ngen.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\NGEN\x86\ngen.log
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\NGEN\x86\ngen.old.log
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\O2S.Components.PDFRender4NET.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\ObjectManager.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\of-red.ico
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\OpenFreely.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\OpenFreely.exe.config
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\OpenFreelySkin.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Raw\dcraw.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Redist\DotNetFx35ClientSetup.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Redist\install_flash_player_ax.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Redist\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_700_Standard.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Redist\klcp_standard_unattended.bat
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Redist\klcp_standard_unattended.ini
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\SetPreferredFilter.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\SevenZipSharp.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\TorrentParser.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\unins000.dat
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\unins000.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\bzip2.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\iconv.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\intl.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\libglib-2.0-0.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\libgobject-2.0-0.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\libgsf-1-114.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\libwpd-0.8.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\libwpd-stream-0.8.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\libxml2.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\test.cmd
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\wpd2html.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\wpd2text.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wpd\zlib1.dll
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\Wps\wps2html.exe
- C:\Program Files\Open Freely\XNResourceEditor\XNResourceEditor.exe
- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Open Freely\Open Freely.lnk
- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Open Freely\Uninstall Open Freely.lnk
- C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Open Freely\Open Freely.lnk
- C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Open Freely\Uninstall Open Freely.lnk
- Find and remove itemized Registry Entries in Registry Editor:
- Software\Haali
How to remove Open Freely from Internet Explorer:
- Abra seu navegador, em seguida, selecione Ferramentas=> Segurança=> Excluir histórico de navegação
- Depois disso coloque o carrapato nos cookies e clique Excluir.
- Selecionar Ferramentas=> Gerenciar Complementos=> Barras de Ferramentas e Extensões
- Remova a extensão indesejada.
How to uninstall Open Freely from Mozilla Firefox:
- Abra o Mozilla, em seguida, selecione Ferramentas=> opções=> Privacidade=>Remover todos os cookies
- Selecionar Ferramentas=> Add-ons
- Desinstalar Open Freely here
How to delete Open Freely from Google Chrome:
- Browser aberto Chrome, próximo clique Ferramentas=> opções=> Sob o capô=> Privacidade=> Limpar dados de navegação.
- Clique Excluir cookies e outros dados do site.
- Coloque o seguinte na barra de endereço do navegador Google: cromada://extensões /.
- Find and uninstall Open Freely here.
It is better to scan your computer for infections with the help of any of the available and updated antivirus tools after the manual removal, because Open Freely usually comes together with trojans that installed on the PC, com rootkits ou outras extensões do navegador indesejado. Se você não sabe qual software instalar, then I can advise you to use SpyHunter or Open Freely Removal Tool, because these tools are powerful and they are able to help you to remove any suspecious or malicious programs from your computer.
sobre o autor: Material fornecido pela: Alesya Orlova