Como remover vírus Guardia di Finanza

O vírus Guardia Di Finanza é um programa malicioso capaz de bloquear o seu computador com a janela que exibe a mensagem falsa da polícia italiana de que você esteve envolvido em algumas ações ilegais, como envio de SPAM, violações da Lei de Direitos Autorais ou distribuição de alguns materiais pornográficos. Você não deve se desculpar, because we know that you are not guilty. The message is just the tool to make you pay money as a fake fee for the enumerated violations. Nota: you must not pay any money to the virus developers. The only right way out from this situation is to remove Guardia Di Finanza Virus, using any available methods.

Links úteis

Nota 3: Use estas instruções para gravar o Kaspersky Rescue Disk:
Como criar o disco de resgate Kaspersky

Nota 4: Use estas instruções para executar o Kaspersky Windows Unlocker:
Como executar o Kaspersky Windows Unlocker

Guardia Di Finanza Virus

The most interesting feature of this infection is that it can get the access to your web camera and to show the present-time activity in the room. Assim, if you will see your room, you know why it is happening.

It is possible to remove Guardia Di Finanza Virus, using several methods. Actually you should use any of them. If you think that you can perform all manual instructions, then you are welcome to follow the items of the manual instruction:

  1. Boot your computer into Safe Mode with Networking. Reinicie o computador, then begin to press F8 button repeatedly, when the system will begin to load. The hardest moment here is to catch the right moment to press the button. You should begin to press the button before you will see Windows logo. Se você fez tudo certo, then you will see the screen with the menu instead. Se não, then do not be upset, try one more time. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard in order to select Safe Mode with Networking, pressione Enter.
  2. Then you can scan download any available antivirus program, install it, update and run a full scan. You can use Norton 360 Anti-Malware or HitmanPro in order to remove Guardia Di Finanza Virus from your computer.

You can also use another method, if something was wrong in the first one:

  1. Assim, this method will restore the system to the moment before the infection was installed. You should perform the first item from the previous instruction but just select Safe Mode with Command Prompt in the menu.
  2. You should type cd restore in the line of Command Prompt, e pressione Enter.
  3. Then you should type rstrui.exe and press Enter.
  4. Reinicie o computador, to see the Normal Mode.
  5. Then scan your computer with any available antivirus program.

sobre o autor:
Material fornecido pela: Alesya Orlova Google

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