How to remove Rapid Ransomware and decrypt .rapid or .paymeme files

Rapid Ransomware is a dangerous virus that encrypts files on victim’s computer and demands the ransom. The virus uses AES algorithm and adds new extension .rapid or .paymeme to all the affected files. For instance, myfamily.jpg is changed to myfamily.jpg.rapid or myfamily.paymeme.

How to remove Mac Mechanic

Mac Mechanic is potentially unwanted program that can spoil your system with numerous popups. This program is usually installed without noticing along with free programs and games as an optional app. The only aim of the program is to force gullible users to pay. That is being done using fake scan results displaying a lot of problems that need to be solved.

How to remove is a dubious search engine that might appear on your browser and return after removing. Such unknown search engines are used for link promotion, advertising, and collecting users’ personal information. And the cause of appearance of is a browser hijacker that gets on PC by means of bundling.

How to remove may become a primary search engine of your browser and reject any attempt to remove it from a browser. This is due to browser hijacker whose main task is to increase traffic to affiliated sites. produces irrelevant search results, displays intrusive pop-up ads, and causes redirects to various dubious sites.

How to remove MyFirstTab (Mac and Windows) may come up instead of your primary search provider, and if it happens, most likely your system is infected with a browser hijacker. This type of infection usually gets on victims computers along with free programs or games that user downloads from Web. Cybercriminals use browser hijackers to earn money through advertising.