How to remove may replace browser’s default search engine without user noticing. But matters do not begin or end here, a browser hijacker generates a bunch of ads and causes constant redirects. This is done in a further attempt to boost traffic to affiliate sites.

How to remove “Windows Defender Security Center” scam alert

While browsing web-pages, you may see “Windows Defender Security Center” pop-up window stating that your computer is infected. In reality, it’s not a system application it’s merely scam alert in form of GIF animation which is caused by PUP (potentially unwanted program). So rest assured, you got nothing to worry about.

How to remove AVCrypt Ransomware and decrypt files

AVCrypt is new cryptovirus that uses AES/RSA encryption algorithms to prevent access to user’s files. While encoding, virus prepends “+” to each affected file. For example, myfamily.jpg turns into +myfamily.jpg. After this, it creates TXT file (“+HOW_TO_UNLOCK.txt”) which contains merely “lol n” text instead of ransom demands.

How to remove Scarab-Please Ransomware and decrypt .please files

Scarab-Please is yet another ransomware-type virus from Scarab family that spreads via spam emails. This virus encodes files on victim’s computer using AES-256 asymmetric cryptography. After this, it appends affected files with .please extension. For example, myfamily.jpg turns into myfamily.jpg.please.