How to remove is a questionable search domain claiming to enhance user’s browsing experience. In fact, it turns out to be exactly the other way around. A browser hijacker sets page as browser’s homepage and default search engine, displays a huge amount of intrusive ads, and makes you visit specific sites via redirects.

How to remove may appear on your browser instead of default search engine due to browser hijacker impact. Even though it looks like other popular search engines, was created not for searching but for advertising. A browser hijacker may collect users’ personal data and transfer them to third-parties in order to display advertisement based on interests.

How to remove

If you are constantly seeing a pop-up window with, then you picked up an adware. As a rule, adware gets on your computer along with free programs and is installed automatically without notice. Initially, it makes changes to the System Registry and then to browser configuration to make new tabs pop up from time to time.