How to remove FBLocker Ransomware and decrypt .facebook files

FBLocker ransomware – is a new dangerous virus, that is distributed around the world. Ransomware is a form of malicious software from cryptovirology that blocks all the personal files on your computer and makes them unreadable. First FBLocker infiltrates your system, then starts encrypting procedure with AES-256 (CBC) encryption algorithm. This ransomware adds .facebook file extension to the name of all the encrypted data. In this article you can learn how to remove FBLocker ransomware and decrypt .facebook files.

How to remove is a fake search engine designed to promote third-party content. Its appearance is not much different from other popular search engines, but, unlike other ones, may appear on a browser without your will and agreement. The main culprit of this is a browser hijacker that often comes unnoticed with free software downloaded from dubious sources.

How to remove FreeCodecPack Ads

If you are experiencing a lot of pop-up ads with FreeCodecPack Ads label in the browser – then your computer is probably infected with an adware. Applications like this are able to annoy users with its advertisement in the form of pop-up ads and intrusive ads on all the pages they visit. Main purpose of such malware is to earn internet traffic and generate revenue from it. These ads are usually sponsored by third-party companies, most of them are far from reliable. FreeCodecPack Ads will forcibly redirect you to shady webpages and change your computer’s and browser’s settings so that it’ll spam your PC. This article will explain you how to remove FreeCodecPack Ads from your computer and web browser.

How to remove is a browser hijacker that is usually installed without your participation with some free software. This application claims to improve your searching results, but actually it will change your search engine and homepage to as well as corrupt your search results with redirection to harmful websites where you can get some more malware. can also change shortcuts on your desktop, so that every time you try to open browser and click on its shortcut, you’ll open We’ll explain some more reasons to remove

How to remove is a malicious extension for a browser, that may lead to unexpected consequences. It seems that this application is quite legitimate – a simple search engine and tool that provide a user with radio feature – you may listen to world radio directly from a browser. However, you should know, that this extension is categorized as malicious browser hijacker and it is recommended to remove