How to remove Rapid V3 Ransomware and decrypt .rapid files

Rapid V3 is a third version of Rapid ransomware. The developers of this malicious virus are using the same scheme, there are no specific differences between the versions. It is a malicious application that can encrypt all the personal files on the computer, so that you are not able to open or access your files anymore. Rapid V3 ransomware is a harmful virus that is making the data unreadable. The virus is spreading quite rapidly. Interesting fact – in order to mask their virus, cyber criminals use an email of a popular ransomware hunter – Michaell Gillespie (demonslay335), showing their impudence. You can learn how to remove Rapid V3 ransomware and recover your files in this article.

How to fix Windows 10 update error 0x80070643

Lately, Windows 10 users often face the issue called error 0x80070643 that pops up during installation update for Windows Defender Antivirus. This bug may be caused by corrupted system files, damaged hard drive, Windows Registry Errors, malware, e.t.c. Accordingly, the key to solving the problem is, in each of these cases, different.

How to remove Nettrans.exe adware

Nettrans.exe is a malware, that IT security experts categorize as an adware. This application is able to disturb you with pop-up and intrusive advertisement on all the webpages you visit, spoiling your internet browsing experience. The only and one purpose of such applications is to earn a profit on the advertisement that is sponsored by third-party companies. Nettrans.exe will forcibly redirect you to shady webpages, change your computer’s and browser settings so that it’ll spam your PC. If you see box with advertisement on the top of webpages, pop-up ads, in-text ads then there is no doubt left – your system is infected with the adware. This article will explain you how to remove Nettrans.exe from your computer and web browser.

How to remove redirect

If your browser constantly being redirected to page, then unfortunately your computer is infected with malware. Malicious application like browser hijacker is usually installed without your participation with some free software – that’s called bundling, it’s quite widely spread method of malware distribution. We’ll explain to you what it is and how can you remove from your computer and browser.