What is TaxInfoHelp?
TaxInfoHelp is a malware that usually comes with some other software downloaded from shady websites. TaxInfoHelp claims to enhance your browsing experience by providing tax management features. Seems like you have nothing to worry about, but it’s not true. This hijacker will spoil your browser’s work. After finishing stealthy installing process on your PC, TaxInfoHelp will change all your web browsers settings without your permission. As a result this application will change your homepage as well as modify your search results with sponsored links that may cause redirection to unwanted websites. In this article you may learn how to remove TaxInfoHelp Toolbar.
Another malicious feature of TaxInfoHelp is personal information tracking. It can monitor your searching queries, browsing story, geolocation, all the keyboard and mouse inputs you make in your web browser. All the stolen information may be shared and misused by third-parties to generate revenue. TaxInfoHelp can also change shortcuts on your desktop, so that every time you try to open browser and click on its shortcut, you’ll open TaxInfoHelp.
How to remove TaxInfoHelp from your computer?
You may try to use anti-malware tool to remove TaxInfoHelp from your computer and clean up your browser.
SpyHunter provides an opportunity to remove 1 detected malware for free during trial period. The full version of the program costs $39,99 (you get 6 months of subscription). By clicking the button you agree to EULA and Privacy Policy. Downloading will start automatically.
You can also use this software, it may help you to remove TaxInfoHelp:
MalwareBytes Anti-Malware
HitmanPro – Malware Removal
How to remove TaxInfoHelp manually
Step 1: Remove TaxInfoHelp from Control Panel
In order to get rid of TaxInfoHelp, first thing you need to do is to uninstall malicious program from your computer. When removing TaxInfoHelp, try to find suspicious recently installed programs and delete them too, as it’s pretty common that any malware comes with some other unwanted programs.
Windows XP:
- Select Start.
- Control Panel.
- Then choose Add or Remove Programs.
- Search for TaxInfoHelp.
- Click Uninstall.
Windows 7/Windows Vista:
- Select Start.
- Then Control Panel.
- Choose Uninstall a Program.
- Find TaxInfoHelp and choose Uninstall.
Windows 8/Windows 8.1:
- Open the Menu.
- Select Search.
- After that choose Apps.
- Next Control Panel.
- Then as in Windows 7, click Uninstall a Program under Programs.
- Find TaxInfoHelp, select it and choose Uninstall.
Windows 10:
- Click on the Start button (or press the Windows key) to open the Start menu, then select Settings at the top.
- Choose App & features on the left menu.
- On the right side, find TaxInfoHelp and select it, then click on the Uninstall button.
- Click on Uninstall to confirm.
Step 2: Remove TaxInfoHelp from Windows Group Policies
In order to remove TaxInfoHelp from your browser, you have to remove Windows Group Policies created by this malware first. Follow this instruction:
- Open Command Prompt – to do that, hit Start button and type cmd, then right-click on it and select Run as Administrator;
- Type following command in Command Prompt:
rd /S /Q “%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers” - Click Enter button;
- Then type this:
rd /S /Q “%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy” - Push Enter button again;
- Now the last thing to type here is this one short command:
gpupdate /force - Click on Enter.
Step 3: Remove TaxInfoHelp from browsers
Once you’ve uninstalled the application, remove TaxInfoHelp from your web browser. You need to search for recently-installed suspicious add-ons and extensions.
Google Chrome:
- Open Google Chrome
- Push Alt + F.
- Choose Tools.
- Select Extensions.
- Search for TaxInfoHelp.
- Select the trash can icon to remove it.
Mozilla Firefox:
- Open Firefox.
- Push Shift + Ctrl + A.
- Select TaxInfoHelp.
- Choose Disable or Remove option.
Internet Explorer:
- Open IE.
- Push Alt + T.
- Choose Manage Add-ons option.
- Click Toolbars and Extensions.
- Next select Disable TaxInfoHelp.
- Choose More information link in the left-bottom corner.
- Click Remove button.
- If this button is grayed out – perform alternative steps.
Step 4: Removing malicious link from your browser shortcuts
Sometimes even removing of malicious program from your computer and web browser can’t help. If you are still facing unknown webpage when you open your web browser, then you might have your browser shortcut changed. It’s pretty common trick that perform most of browser hijackers. They change your browser shortcut so that every time you open it you’ll see not your homepage, but some advertisement webpage. But this issue is quite simple to fix. The instruction stated below matches most of the browsers.
- Right-click on your browser shortcut, choose Properties.
- If you see a link to some website after .exe in the Target field, read on.
- Usually you are not able to delete a link from Target field, that’s why you need to click on the Open File Location button in this window.
- Once you’ve opened file location, select chrome.exe/firefox.exe/iexplore.exe.
- Right-click on this file and choose Sent to option, then Desktop (create shortcut).
- New shortcut will have no additional redirection links.
- Delete old infected shortcut. If you got one in your taskbar, delete it from there too.
- Now you have new and clear shortcut without redirection to unknown websites.
Step 5: Resetting your browser search and homepage settings
To be sure that there is nothing left behind, we recommend you to reset your browser. It will restore your browser settings to default.
Reset browser settings in Google Chrome:
- Click the Chrome menu (3 bar button) in the top right corner.
- Choose Settings.
- Click Show advanced settings.
- Go to Reset browser settings section.
- Click Reset browser settings.
- In the dialog that appears, click Reset.
Reset browser settings in Mozilla Firefox:
- Open Mozilla Firefox.
- Go to Help.
- Go to Troubleshooting information.
- Click Reset Firefox… button.
Reset browser settings in Internet Explorer:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Click on the cogwheel in the right upper corner.
- Click Internet options.
- Got to Advanced tab.
- Click Reset button.
- Put a tick near Delete personal settings checkbox.
- Click Reset button.
There are all the manual instructions that will help you to find TaxInfoHelp and remove it on your computer. The most effective method to get rid of TaxInfoHelp is to perform the manual removal instructions and then use any automatic tool. The manual method will weaken the malicious program and the program will remove it.
You can also use any antivirus program in order to find and get rid of TaxInfoHelp, because some antivirus programs have this malware in its signature base. But not every antivirus program can include a special browser hijacker remover. If you want to use special program that was created to remove browser hijacker, then you can use removal tool from this page – download button below. Thank you for your attention.
SpyHunter provides an opportunity to remove 1 detected malware for free during trial period. The full version of the program costs $39,99 (you get 6 months of subscription). By clicking the button you agree to EULA and Privacy Policy. Downloading will start automatically.