Spamhaus Block Virus es un nuevo tipo de ransomware que infecta las computadoras de los usuarios para engañarlos y obtener su dinero.. Esta infección puede aparecer en su computadora en el caso de que un usuario haga clic en algunos enlaces inseguros de ventanas emergentes publicitarias.. Incluso no notará el proceso de instalación de la infección en el sistema., pero después del próximo reinicio, verá su actividad en forma de mensaje de alerta de bloqueo. Si ves este mensaje, entonces la única forma correcta es eliminar Spamhaus Block Virus.
Enlaces Útiles
Nota 1: Use SpyHunter in order to get rid of Spamhaus Block Virus:
Nota 2: Use estas instrucciones para grabar Kaspersky Rescue Disk:
Cómo crear Kaspersky Rescue Disc
Nota 3: Use estas instrucciones para ejecutar Kaspersky Windows Unlocker:
Cómo ejecutar Kaspersky Windows Unlocker
Spamhaus Block Virus informs you that your computer was blocked for distribution of infections such as worms, troyanos, spyware or any other malware. If you see its message on your computer, then you should not believe to this program. The infection promises to remove all the data from your computer if you will not pay the money it wants. But you should know that this virus is not able to remove your information, it is just a virus that blocks your computer. In order to unblock your computer and to remove Spamhaus Block Virus, you should perform the instructions from this page.
It is impossible to try to run any antivirus programs on the infected computer, because the infection has deactivated them. Asi que, if you will weaken the virus with the instructions that are described below, then you will be able to remove Spamhaus Block Virus from your computer.
Remove Spamhaus Block Virus manually
- Arrancar el ordenador en Safe Mode with Command Prompt. For that you should reboot your computer and begin to press F8, when the PC will begin to load. You should do it before you will see the Windows logo. If you have done everything right, luego verá la pantalla negra con el menú, when you should select Safe Mode with Command Prompt y pulse Enter.
- After that you should remove the following files and folders of the program:
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\ [random chars and numbers] %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\[random chars ] \ [random name].exe
Puede simplemente navegar por los archivos y eliminarlos, using two buttons: Shift y Borrar. - After that you should remove the registry entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell [random chars].exe
You should use the Símbolo del Sistema in order to open Editor de registro, para eso se debe escribir regedit en la línea y presiona Enter. Verá el Editor de registro, so then you should only navigate the key and remove it. - Arrancar el ordenador en Modo seguro con funciones de red and download any antivirus program you like. Then you should install it and update and run the scan.
sobre el autor:
Material proporcionado por el: Alesya Orlova